Construction Plan Approval
Planning to build on your lot? Please refer to the Covenants for information pertaining to required squared footage (depending on lot number) and building materials.
The Construction Approval Form must be completed and submitted prior to home construction along with the following documents:
House or other structure plans
Front, side, and rear elevation drawings
Floor plans for each level with dimensions of each room and overall square footage
Lot plat showing the location and alignment of the structure, the dedicated septic field area, intended well site, intended construction driveway entrance point, intended permanent driveway entrance point, existing drainage easements, existing structures, and all streets abutting the lot.
Questions can be directed to the Board of Directors.
Please submit your application via email, USPS mail (address is at the bottom of this page) , or deliver it to any Board member.
Note: Property owners must comply with all applicable Berkeley County building codes and permitting requirements.